•• Main Window This window is the central window of the Comatose program. The following describes various components of this window and their function. • Password Preferences Button: You can protect your computer with password when running Comatose. To set the password and what actions require password press this button to activate the "Password Preferences" window. • General Preferences Button: User can activate the General Preferences dialog using this button. Through this dialog user can set the actions such as mouse click or movement which will cause the computer to wake up. • Shrink Button: This button shrinks the main window allowing the user to save precious desktop space and processor time. For more information, see "Miniature Window". • Schedule Button: This button can be used to activate the schedule dialog which allows the user to schedule an automatic sleep or wake time. Additionally, user can set the Comatose to perform the scheduled sleep and wake cycles repeatedly. • Monitor/Screen Saver Preferences Button: To access the "Monitor Preferences" window press this button. From that window, you can set your personal preferences for the screen saver features of the Focus Comatose. • Stop Auto Sleep Button: If Comatose has played an audio alarm signaling the auto sleep has been initiated and the computer will be going to sleep within 40 seconds, pressing this button will cancel the auto sleep process. • Disk Saver Preferences Button: To access the "Drive Preferences" window press this button. From that window, you can set your personal preferences for the disk saver features of the Focus Comatose. • Go To Sleep Button: After making any necessary changes to the settings, user can put the computer to sleep using this button. • Audio Button: Focus Comatose™ is capable of playing music background while you are working on you computer. This feature combined with its built-in recording capability allows the user to record their favorite music and listen to it in the background. See the description for the Audio Window for more details. • On-Line Help Button: Pressing this button will present the user with the on-line help window which contains detailed description of all components, feature and additional information about the product.. • Help: This segment of the main window displays a brief help text associated with elements in the main window. Simply move the mouse on top of any element to view a brief description for that component of the main window. You can deactivate this portion of the main window by unchecking the box next to the word help.